Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fun, Fun , Fun!

So today is wednesday, the kids have school and I am babysitting just Levi today! It is gorgeous outside , a big 55 degrees which feels heavenly!! I took the kids outside for a what was going to be just 20- 30 minutes and we ended up staying there for over an hour! I love it! Today the challenge is to find the time to play with the children, babysit , and clean the house... have you ever felt like every room needs to just be deep cleaned? That is where I am at! So I fed the kids lunch , put them down for naps and I am off to just get one room completed! We will see how it goes.... wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy do I have those days! Especially now that I'm working FT again! I'm gone all week and so tired by the time I get home, that the house is trashed and there's soooo much to do On Sat and I'm soooo overwhelmed, half of it just gets piled up in my bedroom! Which I might add is SUPER TINY!! LOL! Hopefully this next place will be little bigger and I can get a little better organized!
